how wildly successful bloggers ignite their productivity

It’s not ok, is it?

Working your bum off and getting nowhere with your blog.

Productivity Tips

You feel like you should have hundreds of thousands of daily readers by now. You’re convinced that you’ve got what it takes. So, you redouble your efforts and work even harder.

But the work only piles up while your personal life deflates to a fizzle. You start to wonder if starting your blog was really such a great idea after all.

Starting your blog was one of the best things you ever did.

Nobody blames you for not making your first million yet. Success can be tough. Ask any top blogger — they know.

While there’s no simple switch to magically flip your success, there’s one thing the top-notch bloggers mastered that you haven’t yet. . .

Successful Bloggers Are More Productive Than You

Most bloggers work hard. Blogging takes a lot of work. But those who succeed and make it big have figured out the smart way to do it. Wildly successful bloggers light a fire under their productivity and take off. Here are six ways that outstanding bloggers raise the bar on their productivity and skyrocket their success.

1. They Do Less And Plan More

Ultra successful bloggers are geniuses at planning. They know that time spent strategizing leads to smarter execution overall. They’re realistic about their abilities and how much time they need to achieve a task with excellence.

Productivity expert, Tor Refsland, helps entrepreneurs succeed at Time Management Chef. His key to planning is to get deliberate about every small step along the way. Tor reminds us that, “It’s the sum of all the small wins that results in the bigger achievements.”

You won’t see these guys throwing themselves into busy work when confronted with an enormous project. It’s far more effective to design an outcome by micro-tasking. Productive bloggers are experts at planning tasks to the minute degree.

2. They Keep Their Focus On The Deep & Narrow

Wildly successful bloggers focus on one thing at a time. They know that they’re ineffective when they fragment their attention on too many irons in the fire. They stay productive by giving each task their full attention.

Ryan Biddulph shows writers how to blog smarter and enjoy life at Blogging From Paradise. He attributes his focus to having overcome the habit of laziness. “I do not work harder. I am focused. I inched outside of my comfort zone — 1 minute, 1 step, 100 words, 1 moment at a time.” Sharpening your focus takes effort and practice.

You’ll never catch popular bloggers trying to multitask their way to getting more done. Successful bloggers kick their productivity up a notch by focusing deeply on only the task at hand.

3. They Manage Their Priorities, Not Their Time

Bloggers who succeed beyond their wildest dreams are super clear about what’s important. They figured out that they have just as many hours in their day as everybody else does. Their productivity ignites when they guard their time to do what matters most.

Jeff Goins, author of “The Art of Work,” is all about saying “yes” to the right things and “no” to the wrong things. “Being productive is the result of actively addressing the most important items on your own to-do list.” He understands that saying no is not a rejection. It’s how you protect your priorities.

You’re not going to witness a super-successful blogger carrying around a long, rambling to-do list of everybody’s urgent stuff. They’re clear on the tasks that are important, and they stay productive by saying yes only to what’s a priority for them.

4. They Use The Shortcuts

The truly great bloggers do things the smart way, not the hard way. They take advantage of tools that make blogging more efficient. Their productivity explodes when they use any available means to do everyday tasks quicker and better.

Here are a few of the shortcuts that productive bloggers use:

  • PicJumbo: Completely free photos.
  • Blog Topic Generator: Free topic generator at HubSpot.
  • BuzzSumo: Free tool to see which content performs best in your niche.
  • Keyword Tool: Look around the top search engines to see what your audience wants to find. (free)
  • Cool Timer: Free alarm clock to manage your writing time.
  • Free productivity tool to spell check, format your text, and minimize distractions while you write.
  • Buffer: Schedule your social media posts. (free)

You won’t see authority bloggers wracking their brains out trying to reinvent the wheel. They step up their productivity by using established methods that streamline their success.

5. They Resist The Urge To Get Sidetracked

Incredibly successful bloggers manage their distractions. They know that the best way to stay on task is to minimize their chance of getting distracted. Their productivity depends on keeping their mental and physical space free from what distracts them.

Bryan Collins is a productivity expert at Become a Writer Today. His secret to fending off distractions is to get organized. “I use digital organization tools like Wunderlist, OneNote, and Evernote regularly.” He knows how to cultivate a productive mental state by minimizing interruptions.

If you’re hoping to hang out all day on Facebook with a top blogger, don’t hold your breath. Wildly successful bloggers ignite their productivity by staying on task and avoiding distractions.

6. They Help Themselves Rise To The Occasion

Bloggers who crush it with their success stay motivated. They understand that a desire to pursue their ambitions is key to achieving them. They ignite their productivity by motivating themselves on a regular basis.

Henneke Duistermaat grows online marketing businesses at Enchanting Marketing. She gets motivated by keeping a growth mindset. “I believe that basic qualities can be cultivated, stretched, and improved through effort.” She motivates herself to stay productive by remembering that she can acquire any skill she needs to succeed.

Don’t look for powerhouse bloggers to commiserate with you when you get stuck and want to stand still. The successful ones stay wildly productive because they constantly make an effort to stay motivated.

Are You Up To Making It Big?

It’s lousy to slave away at your blog with no results. If you truly want to succeed, amp up your productivity.

Stop wasting time with busywork and multitasking. Stop saying “yes” to the wrong things and creating more work for yourself. Stop indulging in distractions and using excuses to stay stuck.

All you’ve got to lose is the chance to make it big. Are you up to it?

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